About Us
We were born to help companies transform and evolve.To achieve this, our platform has the best network of professionals.
Our mission
We help entrepreneurs and companies to be more competitive and successful, aligning strategy, technology, talent and processes.
Our vision
Contribute to sustainable business development in a more digital world
Our values
- Empathy. Get involved with the team and customers so they feel we listen to them, we put ourselves in their shoes and understand them.
- Trust. Apply a management model that prioritizes trust over control, understanding each error as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
- Difference. Understand that each efficient innovation starts from the need to contribute something objectively unknown rather than in the subjective belief of the new is better.
- Passion. Generate an ecosystem of enthusiasm for what we do to the point of wanting to spread it to different interest groups.
- Responsibility. Bet on ethical behaviors and committed to building a better society and a more sustainable world in the fight against climate change.
The Board
Our board of “Mentors” help us with his ideas to increase the value of our platform:

Andreu Veà.
Telecommunications Engineer, Doctor in Electronics Engineering and Master in ICT Management. He has rep resented Spain in the European Commission as Digital Champion and is the only European in the Internet Hall of Fame Board. He directs the WiWiW research program at Stanford University. He is a global jury and national Unesco mobile application coach.

Marcos Urarte
Industrial Engineer. Guest professor of the main Business Schools internationally, highlighting the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prolific author of more than 10 books. He is a member of the Strategic Reflection Group of the Defense Staff. “Most Valuable Speaker 2011 and 2015” Award, Best Director of 2016 and Best Speaker of 2016.

Ricardo Alfaro
Deputy General Director at ASEPEYO. Member of the Human Resources Advisory Board of EAE Business School and of the Innovation Advisory Board of GVC-GAESCO and TRADISA. He is also present in the Governing Council of APD and is co-founder of WEKOW Business Community. He is vice president at Aedipe (Association of Management and Development of People) in Catalonia.
Author of different books and articles on aspects related to the management of human capital, leadership and digital transformation.