When we talk about a coworking space, we refer to a collective and flexible workspace connected to the internet where different people develop business projects and share experiences and synergies. In this way, a co-working space is just that; a space; until it doesn’t has a sufficient number of coworkers interacting with each other.
As you will see later, the concept that best identifies a coworking space is that of a business community, being the physical space the “home” where that community interacts and relates.
According to the specialist magazine Deskmag, the coworking market continues growing at a high rate and more than one million people will be working in coworking spaces in 2017.
The coworking spaces have different membership models as a way of becoming a member of the community. Depending on this membership, you may have the right to use the space and services in different ways.
- Access membership. This is the simplest form of participation in the coworking community with limited access to its business lounges, connection with the community to offer or exchange services and participation in events. In short, this is the more economical way of access to the coworking community that will allow you to participate in their common spaces, exchange experiences with other coworkers and introduce yourself in that world without a greater economic commitment. People use the space to have a coffee or eat home-cooked food in a more appropriate environment than a café.
- Hot Desk. These are flexible use desks, not exclusively dedicated to a particular coworker but can be used by members of the community based on the order of arrival and availability. If you have a laptop or tablet and just need internet connectivity this is your best option. Keep in mind you can access a space for an hourly, resolting in a more affordable membership fee
- Dedicated desk. This consists of private access for each member to the same desk every day. If you are a ‘animal of habit’ or need to leave materials securely between sessions, this may be your best option. This membership usually has a higher cost than the hot desktop since you will have a dedicated workstation.
- Private office. If you need some privacy in your day to day, having a workspace just for you and sharing with the business community common services is the best option. In addition, this is a very interesting alternative to renting a traditional office because you will share the expenses without harming the user experience. In addition, you can also share knowledge and experiences with other members. Typically, these spaces allow you to accommodate teams of people working on the same project in a single private office and have a monthly credit system.
- Virtual Office. This allow you to have the opportunity to have a commercial address and use the postal address on your business cards or website. You can also receive your parcels and have a professional call answering service. In any case, it can be an excellent complement to your professional performance and can be combined with any of the above membership models.
In short, whatever your need, you will always find a co-working space to suit the way you are and the nature of your business. Keep in mind that, beyond a workspace, you must find a business community where your ideas grow.